Thursday, May 17, 2012

Forms and info for homeschooling in the Virgin Islands

Borrowed from
Homeschooling in the Virgin Islands is fairly simple and easy. There isn't a lot of oversight from the VI Department of Education, after talking to multiple people in the VI, most agree that you file your paperwork and forget about it. Your child does not have to do standardized testing and you are not required to turn in a portfolio of your child's work.  That being said, you do need to file a 2 page document with the Department of Education at the start of your school year that states your name, your child's name, age, grade level, and what subjects they are learning. You also have to pick a date for a portfolio review(which again, most people say has never happened).  After you sign the paperwork and email to Ms. Sarah Mahurt for St. Croix her phone number is 340-773-1095 ext 7029,  email to it  Dianne George Rodgers her phone number is 340-772-775-2250 extension 8110 on St. Thomas/St. John or snail mail it back to the Department of Ed.  Make sure however that you remember to SIGN your forms before you send them in.  If by any chance, the Department of Ed sends you another form requesting you to fill out specs about your kitchen, facilities, etc, DO NOT fill that out. It is illegal - according to our local laws to fill out that form.  ALL you NEED to do is fill out the Letter of Intent Form and send it back.  That's it folks! If this process is any different from what I have been doing, please let me know as I would like to not only update this info but do it correctly myself!


  1. What happens if you would like your child to re-enter public school. Must my child take a test?

    1. Hi,
      Your question is great one! I didn't know the answer for the public system, so I emailed Dr. Mahurt at the Department of Education and this is what she had to say:

      "Students must register through the regular registration process to reenroll. The student would be placed in the grade level by age if at the elementary level, although if there appear to be serious issues with the child's performance, assessments will be administered to determine appropriate grade placement. If the student is connected with a home school program, then he/she would have a transcript and the child would be placed based on the transcript from the home school organization. For high school, a transcript from an online accredited high school program is preferred and if not available, then the same process would be done as with the elementary. "

      For private schools in the islands, it is a dependent on their particular requirements. I know that CDS on St. Croix, does test your child, but most of the time they want to place your child according to their age. If for instance your child is 8, but has completed 3rd grade while homeschooling; they will still want to place them in 2nd grade no matter what their test scores indicate. In that case, it is up to you as the parent to insist that the school places your child in the appropriate grade level - especially if they have already done that work and would be bored at the lower level.

      If you are interested in doing the private route, I would call the school you are thinking of and find out their requirements. I am including Dr. Mahurt's info in case you want to get in touch with her for the public system.

      Sarah F. Mahurt, Ph.D.
      Deputy Commissioner, Curriculum & Instruction
      Virgin Islands Department of Education

      2133 Hospital St.
      St. Croix, VI 00820
      Phone 340-773-1095 x 7029
      Cell 340-201-0019
      Fax 340-773-4476

      Hope this helps!

    2. morning,
      How old does a child have to be I have a teenager at 17 yrs old would he be able to do home schooling?

  2. Who does Home School in St.Croix Virgin Islands?

  3. What is required to homeschool other peoples children? I have a bachelors in biochemistry and an MD as well.

  4. I am doing a Bachelor Degree at Ash ford University. Would I be able to do home school for others as well.

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