Trip #1:
July TBA(probably between the 15th and 23rd), 2012
Learning about Bush with Ms. Veronica Gordon at the St. George Village Botanical Gardens.
Ms. Gordon is our locally renown "bush lady". She is extremely knowlegable about bush and how to use it to improve your health, remove aches and pains, and where it origianlly came from. This is a great opportunity to come and learn from an expert. In this informative field trip, we learn about our native bush, it's medicianal, homeopathic, and culinary properties. We will get to taste, touch, and smell real bush and enjoy a quiet morning at the Gardens. Once the field trip is done, feel free to stay for lunch, art time, rambling, etc. The field trip will take about 1.5 hours. Cost is $2 per visitor(not including really little ones).
Ms. Gordon is our locally renown "bush lady". She is extremely knowlegable about bush and how to use it to improve your health, remove aches and pains, and where it origianlly came from. This is a great opportunity to come and learn from an expert. In this informative field trip, we learn about our native bush, it's medicianal, homeopathic, and culinary properties. We will get to taste, touch, and smell real bush and enjoy a quiet morning at the Gardens. Once the field trip is done, feel free to stay for lunch, art time, rambling, etc. The field trip will take about 1.5 hours. Cost is $2 per visitor(not including really little ones).
Trip #2:
mid to late August 2012
The Archeological wonders of Buck Island!
Did you know there are Pre Hispanic archeological sites hiding in plain sight on Buck Island? I didn't and now we can learn about those sites, visit and explore them, PLUS make pre hispanic tools just like those first inhabitants on Buck Island did. During this trip, students will visit Fort Christiansvaern and then take a trip out to Buck Island National Monument to explore those site we learn about in the fort. This is a first come first serve trip. All ages welcome. I NEED to know numbers ASAP so we can arrange for boats to take us out there and then get dates. FREE
Trip #3
Reef Ranger Kids Program(ages 8-12) sponsored by the NPS. This program teaches boat safety, how to use flare guns, docking, anchoring, etc. It is limited to 10 children per group. This is a 2 day program where kids spend it doing hands on activities related to water and boating safety, there is also an opportunity to go snorkeling at Buck Island. This program is being held the 3rd weekend in July for two consecutive Saturdays, then again in August, and September. If you want more info or to register, please contact David at the NPS office. FREE.
Trip #4(potentially)
Walking tour of Free Gut
Do you know where Free Gut is? Do you know what it is? I didn't..... Free Gut is an area where freed blacks lived during the colonial times. These free men and women built many of the structures that are part of Christiansted today, such as the Steeple Building, the Fort, the Old Post Office aka the Slave Market, etc. Out of Free Gut, the US got their first black millionaire, the first black US Ambassador, etc. This is a fascinating area that needs to be explored and experienced. If you would like to see this tour set up, PLEASE leave feedback in the comments section and I will get it on the books. FREE
AGAIN, if any of these tours appeal to you, please let me know via the comments section of the blog. In the case of the Reef Ranger program, please feel free to contact David at NPS yourself and set up your days with him. If perhaps we have a HUGE group interest in this, I may be able to talk him into doing a 2 day mini class during the week during the school year.
The Archeological wonders of Buck Island!

Trip #3
Reef Ranger Kids Program(ages 8-12) sponsored by the NPS. This program teaches boat safety, how to use flare guns, docking, anchoring, etc. It is limited to 10 children per group. This is a 2 day program where kids spend it doing hands on activities related to water and boating safety, there is also an opportunity to go snorkeling at Buck Island. This program is being held the 3rd weekend in July for two consecutive Saturdays, then again in August, and September. If you want more info or to register, please contact David at the NPS office. FREE.
Trip #4(potentially)
Walking tour of Free Gut

AGAIN, if any of these tours appeal to you, please let me know via the comments section of the blog. In the case of the Reef Ranger program, please feel free to contact David at NPS yourself and set up your days with him. If perhaps we have a HUGE group interest in this, I may be able to talk him into doing a 2 day mini class during the week during the school year.